Fast Farmer

Now with GH 3.0!

The fastest, easiest farming client for Chia.

Fast Farmer

Now with GH 3.0!

The fastest, easiest farming client for Chia.

Fast Farmer

Now with GH 3.0!

The fastest, easiest farming client for Chia.

A collaboration among leaders in the community.


Cultivation Grant


Cultivation Grant


Cultivation Grant


Official Client


Official Client


Official Client

Druid Garden

Open Source Utils

Druid Garden

Open Source Utils

Druid Garden

Open Source Utils


Premier Chia Infrastructure


Premier Chia Infrastructure


Premier Chia Infrastructure



Uses less than 100MB of RAM and works on Raspberry Pi 3+

Fast Syncing

Fast Syncing

Automatically connect to a cluster of
high-performance nodes.



Works with multiple harvester protocols
including ChiaPos, Bladebit, and Gigahorse.



Guided Setup through the command line.

*Make sure the file is executable on Linux

sudo chmod
user@computer:~$./ff_giga init
✔ Please Input Your Mnemonic:  · MNEMONIC
✔ Please Input Your XCH Payout Address:  · ADDRESS
✔ Please select Node for Farming, "community" or a custom IP/Domain: · c
✔ Enter a Root Plot Directory or leave blank to continue:  · /mnt
✔ Enter a Root Plot Directory or leave blank to continue:  · 
✔ Please Input PlotNft LauncherId, leave blank to scan

./ff_giga run -m
./ff_giga run -m



Use the TUI to monitor your farm or the CLI to keep it simple

Use the TUI to monitor your farm or the CLI to keep it simple

./ff_giga join-pool --pool-url POOL_URL \ 
--launcher-id LAUNCHER_ID \ 

Change Pools

Change Pools

Use FF to change your pool & automatically update your config.

Use FF to change your pool & automatically update your config.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

Edit the config file ~/.config/fast_farmer/fast_farmer.yaml

Edit the config file ~/.config/fast_farmer/fast_farmer.yaml

selected_network: mainnet #Should only be changed by advanced users, mainnet or testnet11 
ssl_root_path: null #community does not need a specific set of SSL, farmer will generate
fullnode_ws_host: #community node default for farmer
fullnode_ws_port: 443 #community node default port for farming
fullnode_rpc_host: #community node default for pooling operations
fullnode_rpc_port: 443 #community node default port for RPC calls (Pool/Wallet Updates)
farmer_info: #Farmer Info and Pool Info are Generated and should only be edited by advanced users
- farmer_secret_key: 0x12345678
  launcher_id: 0x12345678
  pool_secret_key: 0x12345678
  owner_secret_key: 0x12345678
  auth_secret_key: 0x12345678
- launcher_id: 0x12345678
  pool_url: POOL_URL
  target_puzzle_hash: 0x12345678
  payout_instructions: 'xch123456' #This is the payout Address asocaited with the Pool Payouts, defaults to payout_address below
  p2_singleton_puzzle_hash: 0x12345678
  owner_public_key: 0x12345678
  difficulty: null
payout_address: 'xch123456' #This is the payout Address asocaited with the Farmer Reward Payouts
  druid_garden: null #This is the DruidGarden Harvester Settings, Can Farm OG, NFT and Bladebit Compressed(CPU Only)
  gigahorse: #This is the Default Harvester, Supports OG, NFT, Bladebit and Gigahorse CPU + GPU 
    plot_directories: #Recursive plot directories enabled by default
    - /mnt/
    parallel_read: true #Set this to read multiple plot directories in parallel
    max_cpu_cores: -1 #Set this to limit CPU cores used for Harvesting
    max_cuda_devices: -1 #Set this to limit Cuda Devices used for Harvesting
    max_opencl_devices: -1 #Set this to limit OpenCL Devices used for Harvesting
    cuda_device_list: [] #Set this to limit Cuda Devices used for Harvesting
    opencl_device_list: [] #Set this to limit OpenCL Devices used for Harvesting
    recompute_host: '' #Set this to the Gigahorse Remote Decompressor Service you are using or Leave blank
    recompute_port: 0  #0 will use the default port, otherwise define your Remote Decompressor Service Port

metrics: #Enables Metrics through Grafana and Prometheus
  enabled: true
  port: 8080

How-To Video

Chia Decentral





What is Fast Farmer?

Fast Farmer is a lightweight Chia Farming Client that supports BladeBit, Gigahorse, OG, and Uncompressed plots.

Does it support Gigahorse?

Yes! Fast Farmer is an official Gigahorse client and supports the only Chip-22 implementation of GH.

Can I use any Pool?

You can use any pool. we are working to fix any compatibility issues but it isn't pool locked. You can change your pool from the FF cli.

How does Nodeless Farming work?

Fast Farmer may use the Evergreen community node to farm without a local node. It is not required and can also be used with any node address.

Can I use this on a Raspberry Pi?

Absolutley! Fast Farmer was designed to be lightweight and accessible, using less than 100MB of RAM.

Do I need a GPU?

A GPU is not required for most plots, but if you are using high C level you will need a GPU. You may setup a remote decompressor if you don't have a local GPU.

Are there fees for Fast Farmer

Yes, MadMax takes a 3.125% fee for GPU and 1.56% for CPU. Evergreen receives 12.5% of those rewards to help maintain development.

Is Fast Farmer Open Source?

Fast Farmer is an open source library, however the GH version is closed source to maintain security and the development fee. You can see the open source implementation here.

Brought to you by Evergreen

Brought to you by Evergreen

Brought to you by Evergreen

We've plotted over 120PiBs, and helped over 1500 people farm. With farm sizes like 6TB all the way to 40PiB. Join a community of Farmers who want to get the most out of their experience.

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